Featured Nurseries

Highlighting our favourite nurseries and garden centers in Southern Ontario.

Family-owned and operated since 1950, boasting a great selection of large plants and trees.

Address: 8865 Mountain Road, Niagara Falls, ON, L2H 0V4

Phone: 905-354-2392

Email: info@gauldnurseries.com

Landscaping, soil, and mulches, with a focus on creating amazing garden spaces.

Address: 2578 Bovaird Dr. W, Brampton, ON, L7A 0H2

Phone: 905-450-6767

Email: marshcorp3@gmail.com

Variety of garden ornaments and decor, plus multiple greenhouses and over 1 acre of annuals.

Address: 2615 Victoria St. N (Hwy 7), Breslau, ON, N0B 1M0

Phone: 519-648-2608

Email: info@belgian-nursery.com

Expansive e-store paired with interior design services to help businesses set up beautiful displays both indoor and out.

Address: 2108 Dundas St. W, Toronto, ON, M6R 1W6

Phone: 647-957-8291

Email: concierge@promisesupply.ca